Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Don't forget the "non-rooms"

Often times the little "non-rooms" of our homes get overlooked....the hallway, the stairway...the awkward little spaces that are neither a room or a hall or anything, really.  But usually these spaces are the very ones that receive the most traffic in our day-to-day...they take us from one room to another...and shouldn't these  pathways be beautiful, too??

2012-09-19 09.24.16


No matter the square footage of a space it can be brought around...not simply updated but made into a perfect reflection of those that fill the home!!

2012-09-24 17.46.22


And now every trip to the private quarters of this home is a treat to all of the carpet underfoot, wall covering that provides great texture and updated pieces on the landing above!!

[caption id="attachment_465" align="alignleft" width="179"]Before Before[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_463" align="alignright" width="225"]After After[/caption]












This little reno all began when Amanda came across this Kravet carpet.  She knew it would be perfect for the stairway of the historic home they had recently purchased.  Eager to put her stamp on the home, she ordered it, so excited to get started...

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Kravet-Devi Sunset[/caption]

The next step was to coordinate the wallcovering...our "go-to" for natural, seagrass wallpaper is Phillip-Jeffries...


(Note:  as Amanda's luck would have the loom had to be re-oriented so the stripes would run side to problem for a custom rug took over 4 months...ouch!!  And then the call from the wallcovering company informed her that the color she had selected was on back what was initially going to be a "simple" and "quick" change-a-roo, turned into an eternally long process.  And that, we have found, time and again, is just par for the design-course!!)

Just these "simple" changes took a once "un" passageway to a favorite space in the home....drawing you up the stairs and into the comfort of the private family spaces on the second floor!!

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