Monday, January 7, 2013

Behind the Scene's: Amanda's 2013 Design Goals

Lest our blog faithfuls think our own homes are "done", "picture perfect" or "dream" spaces...I thought this year we would do several "Behind the Scene's"  posts...a look at what happens on the other side of the photo shoot...inside the "real world" so-to-speak...a personal glimpse into our is no particular order...


Amanda...2013 Design Goals for my Home:
teen lounge 2-Redo Girls TV/Playroom: Involves switching out the rug,

changing the fabrics for the window cushions, curtains, & couch

pillows, switching out light fixtures, and adding floor pillows

teen lounge









-Finishing the Dining room: either wallpapering or painting the ceiling, and switching out the light fixture for something oversized and dramatic

greek key jonathan adler

farrow and ball









(Jonathan Adler, Greek Key)



(Farrow & Ball)


teen room

-Redo my "tween/teenager" bedroom: change the wall color, add a fun wall design, switch out the rug, curtains, and bedding

teen room








(Serena & Lily)



Amanda...2013 Design Goals for AsterHouse Design:

-Redo our office space and completing it this time!
-Create fun new business cards

Amanda...2013 Personal Design Goals:
-Take a photography class with Eryn!!!

Shoot Fly Shoot

(This one maybe???)

-Take a two/three day inspiration trip!  (Please take Eryn!!!)



Here we are...all serious...on task...completely focused on design research...

Photo 1And then here we are after a day of intense design inspiration collection...very flattering photo angle!!  But this is real..."behind the scene's"!!

( long as we are keeping it real...Amanda had no say whatsoever in the "inspiration" photos attached to this blog...those were 100% Eryn throwing out ideas...they may or, most likely, may not be any reflection of what she actually wants in her home!!)

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