Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Behind the Scenes: A "Designer" Living Room

Every once in awhile, one must set aside time to "design"  a personal space.  The crucial phrase is "set aside time", because, between current client's projects, client's waiting for your time and then family life in general that can be a much bigger challenge than you might think!!  But for Amanda, it finally happened when her sweet and gracious husband asked if he could hire an interior designer to "do" their living room!!  wink, wink !!   Well, that will make a designer-wife "find time" like nothing else!!  So, in less than,  2 days...ok, it might have been 3...the plan was made...

floor plan

...the fabrics selected...



and the furniture ordered!!  And then the wait began...do you know how long it takes furniture to arrive when you are the one waiting for it???  10 times longer than when it is for a client...not even kidding!!!

But it was worth the wait...(and these pics don't even begin to do the space justice...trust me!)

[caption id="attachment_675" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Chesterfield style sofa...wonderful layers... Chesterfield style sofa...wonderful layers...[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_676" align="aligncenter" width="225"]extra seating...fabulous artwork... extra seating...fabulous artwork...[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_679" align="aligncenter" width="300"]...interesting accessories...did I mention fabulous artwork??... ...interesting accessories...did I mention fabulous artwork??...[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_673" align="aligncenter" width="225"]...a baby grand...gorgeous!!... ...a baby grand...gorgeous!!...[/caption]


...even room for a tidy desk area...
...even room for a tidy desk area...
This space is done!!  And that makes this "designer"...and her husband very happy!!  Home Sweet Home!!





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