Monday, October 22, 2012

Round-top...or bust!!!

Has this ever happened to you??  You are paddling along blithely through the river of life and you hear about this amazing....something-or- other...and then all of a sudden, it's all you hear about or read about every time you turn on the TV or open a magazine???  Well, that's how Round Top, Texas was for me!!!  Just one year ago, I'd never even heard of this strange and mysterious place!!!  But after hearing about it time and again...and being told over and over how I "just had to go"  the plans for an antique adventure were hatched!!

With two dear friends and my brother riding shotgun...ok, not all at once, but you know...we hitched up our 29-foot trailer and headed south!

Giddy-up! With Lyle Lovett's, "That's Right, You're not from Texas, But Texas Wants You Anyway" as our anthem, we road tripped the 11 short (not really) hours to Round Top, Texas in search of treasures.

Of course no roadtrip is complete with out great food stops!!  And Fred's Cafe in Fort Worth did not disappoint!

There is a reason I make it a point to stop at as many roadside eateries featured on "Diners, Drive-in's & Dive's"!  If Guy endorses it, I'm all in!!

  In addition to the mouth-watering tex-mex and the country music, of course,  a trip to Texas isn't complete without extravagant local gas station purchase...the cowgirl hat!

After good food and fabulous treasures, another highlight of any great trip involves scoping out the perfect accomadations...and when you are antique-ing down the small back roads of Texas, this sweet little cottage was perfectly quaint!!


Let the shopping begin!!

Score, $45 pair


Where oh where could I use beyond belief!!!


Brass buckle and leather belt, Spanish origin, turn of the century. $15!

$90 super large globe for Eryn's patio!

One of our favorite finds? Cowhides! We bought five and have three more on order!

One full trailer! Tucked among the treasures were also a great 12-foot farm table and a uniquely beautiful wooden chest from Tibet. 

Oh Round Top, you didn't disappoint! We'll see you again!

Until next time...we will spread the word!!  Giddy-up!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oh the Places You'll Go....

The ladies of AsterHouse have always loved a good trip...big city; Kansas City, Dallas or small town; Sparks, name it, we're there!!  In travel you find it sights, fabulous food, unique architecture, great bargains...amazing memories!  We know full well, that we are so privileged to be doing something that we love...and we don't take any chance at "on the job training" for granted!!

Annually, my (Eryn) husband attends a convention in a larger city and take me along...and this year was no exception.  But rather than Chicago (my favorite "little" big city) or San Diego (near the beach...need I say more??) we found ourselves destined for New Orleans!!  This was not our first trip to "NOLA" we were looking forward to further exploring some of the great finds from our last stopover in this city full of diversity and character!!  And we were not disappointed!! Let me take you on a "picture tour" beginning in the historic "French Quarter"...

The architecture is decidedly European...and renews my love for all things "aged and well-worn"...wouldn't you take some brick in this gorgeous pattern in your outdoor space??

Or how about bright green shutters??  Not to mention the precious balcony!!

Found!!  Perfect vintage lights for a friend...did you know Bevolo has a vintage line as well as reproduction line??  Now I do...and they are to. die. for.

Must refuel...leisurely meal on the quaint patio at the Napoleon House...Shrimp Remoulade Stuffed Avocado, anyone??  Or stroll down to Stanley and this is what you will see...

Soft shell crab Eggs Benedict??  (This is an actual picture of my plate...could it be any prettier??)

 Seriously, people...we are soooooo not in Kansas anymore!!

All shopping and no rest makes Eryn a very tired researcher...Plan: The Hotel Monteleone...has a great spa on the second floor...go there!!

Once re-energized on to Magazine Street...for boutiques and more boutiques...this street stretches to Texas, I'm pretty sure...but we covered alot of it and found some pretty awesome treasures....

Tara Shaw.....ummmmm.....can you say AMAZING???  Think Veranda magazine spread...French antiques with layers of rich patina...creamy white fabrics...I actually got to meet Tara...and her right hand gal, Linda!!  And toured her private to-the-trade showroom...right there on Camp Street!!  Of course, I had to buy something...and, since I do not have a "antique" budget, I settled for this gorgeous repro mirror....can't wait for it to be delivered!!

Then it was on to our next stop....

More jaw dropping antiques...but this shop had a crazy-fun mix...just daring you to forget any rules you ever knew...and surround yourself with what you love...

What speaks to you??  What inspires you??  Clean whites, creams, with a romantic finish??

Or geometric lines, loads of texture and happy, expressive color??

OH this tile...I might need a moment...could I buy the whole step please???

I wanted to take these guys home...for some reason, they were just calling my name???  Must be the influence of the "big easy"!!
