Saturday, May 5, 2012


There are days Amanda and I pinch ourselves...really?? ...we ask...really??  This is our job??  We get paid to do this??  Really???  On the days we find ourselves headed out on the open road....
 fabulous destinations (complete with grain bins and "vintage" gas stations)...


(Please ignore my is in a different spot!!) rent trailers, that may or not be filled for the return trip home....
...ummm, did you print the directions?? 'Cause my cute new (very expensive) cell phone doesn't get a lick of service here and we are in the middle of NOWHERE and don't have a clue where to go...ok, let's pull over and get directions from...that cow...oh, I have a bar...oh, it's gone...oh now I've got two it quick!! that a map under the seat...what do you mean Sparks, Kansas isn't on the big is this place anyway???...population; that for real??...oh, ok here we go...just a few more miles....'t hyperventilate, Amanda...each tent represents a possible find, a potential treasure,

a probable gem...
...MUST. STAY. FOCUSED....where do we begin???...Let's start at the back and work our way forward...oh did you see that??...let's go over there...oh, we said we were going to start there...Eryn, stay on track...


 ...where are we??? this a barn??? a forgotten town that has been brought to life by piles of junk, loads of treasure hunters, and rows of great finds...just waiting to be discovered...yep, it's a barn...and I'm feeling woozy from all this fun...time for a power-up visit to the food stands...

...when you travel to such exotic destinations as Sparks, Kansas, Population: 9,  you are not going to find a fabulous salad, gourmet, we committed fully to the experience...pulled-pork sandwich, hot dog, chips, iced tea and amazing home-made peach cobbler topped with fresh ice-cream!!!...back to work, folks...slave-driver, I know...but someone's gotta do it...

...a long list of clients...when inspiration hits you gotta go with it...

cause you can't come back, ya know...

...and who can pass up sturdy chairs for $7...for real, $7each...can you say "AsterHouse Pickers"...through the piles of trash, past the rows of tourist-y trap-y stuff, we came away with some great first McCoy pottery piece...a wooden dough bowl...metal signs...on these trips, you just never know what you are going to get...more flea, or more market??...but always worth it...somebody, please, pinch me!!


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