Thursday, October 20, 2011

Easy Velvet Pumpkins

You see cloth pumpkins ever where this time of year. And this year I got together with a friend and made our own. They're quick and easy to make! Here's the supplies you'll need:



Thread (heavy-duty) & needle

Fiberfill and rice

Broken pumpkin stems

Trace around different round objects,

we used a bowl set and a large lampshade as our size patterns.

Once you have your circles, fold over the edge 1/4" and run a loose slip (or running) stitch. Make sure to leave a long tail of thread so you can pull the strings to gather up the sides.

Gather up the sides and fill the bottom with fiberfill, then add your rice, and top with more fiberfill. Once your little pumpkin is full pull the sides up tight and knot several times.

Hot glue your stem...and you've got one cute pumpkin!!

Sorry for the dark picture, I was using my cell phone.

Here is our darling pumpkin patch!

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