Friday, June 29, 2012

Let's go shopping....

Let’s just pretend, for kicks, that we lived in Centennial, Colorado…or maybe West Chester, Ohio…or suppose we moved down to Sunrise, Florida…if any of these were the case, then you would not be about to enjoy this blog post!!  But we do not live in Bloomington, Minnesota or Bolingbrook, Illinois…and so, we have to rely on friends!!  Friends who are true friends will go the extra mile, they will drive to the store they have never even been to, they will be overwhelmed by the massive hugeness of the task of finding the precious needed treasures on your list…and they will conquer…all because you do not live in Frisco, Texas…

Amanda and I love to high/low…this means mixing higher quality, and thus higher priced, items with off-the-shelf bargains from Target, IKEA…you name it!  Even our most discriminating clients appreciate that we can hunt down a bargain…even the largest budget hits a ceiling somewhere!!  And so it was with our own offices….and since we were not willing to sacrifice form for a functioning space….we brought in the cavalry!!

They scoured the aisles, filled up a cart, searched through the names no one outside of Norway...or is is Sweden can pronounce...a "KLIPPAN" what???  "EKENÄS" who??

Our loyal friend (and her lovely daughter) took on IKEA for us because we were desperate for some great pieces (read: cheap price but good quality…modern look but not modern price…fun and a little funky, but not expensive…is there a theme here???) for our recent office reno!!  (See the almost finished product here

Thanks again ladies!!  We appreciate it from the bottom of our "HOVÅS"...oops...getting a little carried away...


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