Monday, January 9, 2012

Design Resolutions...

Amanda and I are list people...We like to make lists...we both like to add items to our lists (even if we have already done them)...just because we relish the feeling of checking another goal off the list...

So, as looking forward to are a few goals that I, for one, look forward to accomplishing...

how did they find my to do list??

1. I resolve to finish, or at least almost finish one project before taking on another...well, I will not begin any new projects before finishing the current to-do list...ok...I resolve to limit the additions to my to-do list...

2. I resolve to spend less time online and more time actually creating the cute ideas I "pin" on my "I-am-going-to-do-this-someday" list!

5 pillow cases sewn together, insert pillows. Love!

3. I am going to experiment in style and try some unexpected touches in my own home and those of clients...(Don't be nervous, folks...I will always ok it with you before bringing it into your home...I almost promise!!)

4. I resolve to surround myself with the objects that are meaningful to that speaks to me...pieces that make me smile...reagardless of how "on trend" it may or may not be!!

5. I resolve to study and read and learn more every day...

Suzanne Kasler: Inspired Interiors stretch my design understanding, appreciate new things and learn from the icons of the industry.

What are your New Year's resolutions??

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