Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ottoman Reupholstered: Once was old is new again!

Anyone can reupholster...if you have the right tools: a trusted sewing machine and a great staple gun (an automatic is wonderful but not required!!)...and then of course a few supplies: a tape measure, several straight pins, matching thread, some fun fabric and sharp scissors.

Step One: measure what you want to cover (width and height) make sure you have enough to cover the piece.

Step Two: Place the fabric "right" side down and pin a straight line down each corner of the ottoman. Once all sides are pinned, turn it rightside out and see if it fits correctly over the ottoman. After double checking the fit turn wrongside out and sew a straight line down next to your pins. Tip: Use a fabric marker and draw a line and then repin your fabric so your sewing machine will sew over the pins.
Line of pinsSew a stitch down the corners of the ottoman. After sewing double check the fit by slipping the fabric over the ottoman. If it fits then cut the excess fabric off so that the corners will lay flat.

Step Three: Turn the fabric rightside out and if needed, iron open your seam. Turn 1/4" fabric under to give a clean edge and staple the fabric to the underneath side of the ottoman. Place one staple center on each side of the ottoman to insure you don't over pull the fabric when stapling. Then stable around the entire piece every inch, and that's it! You're done!!

Perfect...except now I think I need to add some great "feet"...stay tuned...

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