Saturday, November 5, 2011

Varney's Salina FINISHED & Open!!

Varney's is excited to announce their new Salina location! After months of planning their beautiful new store had their grand opening yesterday! Eryn and I were excited to help in their design process. We worked closely with BHS Construction and the Varney's team to transform this optometry store into their new West Varney's location.

Here are some before and after photos!

Old flooring and wall color

Entrance looking out to mall

Removed the wall and counter to give more sales floor space.

Added slatboard for vertical display


Wanted to give a similar look to the Aggieville Varney's location.

Jon and Steve Levin, Owners

Jon Levin & I at the grand opening

Christopher Miller, VP Rocking M Radio, and Steve Levin, President and Owner Varney's

We did a metal and wood mix on the finishes to give an updated modern look, but didn't want it feel or look cold, so having the warm wood tones softens and warms up the space.

The cashwrap, custom made from Timberline Cabinetry in Manhattan, turned out outstanding! The metal top gives a contemporary look and feels great!

Locally made metal work!

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