Monday, April 30, 2012

Design Realities

We have all seen the shows...dreadful room...designer breezes in, shares a plan, the crew shows up and within 30min to an hour...VIOLA!!  Gorgeous room!!  We all love these shows...we (heart) any and all "before and after" magic...maybe because we all have a "before" room...ok, maybe rooms...really?? that we just know, with the perfect designer, a little bunch of money and some amazing carpentry skills, could be just that magazine ready "after"!!

So where is the reality??  Well, let me break it to you slowly...30 minutes isn't going to cut fact, not even an hour will do the trick!!  We all know that in our heads, but really??  Our expectations have been seriously messed up!!

What does it take to go from this....

to, say, this.....

These homeowners would be the first to say that the months of planning that led up to the months of construction were well worth the kitchen that is now their favorite room is the house...but those months of planning are why this kitchen functions for them, their family and their needs.  Because during those many planning sessions, the family routines and habits were discussed, described, deliberately thought through, so that what was not working in the "before" would flow beautifully in the "after"...this reno might not work in your space...but for this family, it made them feel right at home!!  It reflects their unique way of doing life...and that is reality!!
